ULAB: Intro to Computational Biology
This two-semester course in computational biology aims to give undergraduates an opportunity to gain fundamental research skills, explore relevant background knowledge, and conduct their own research projects in groups. The goal is to help students feel confident and prepared to seek out on-campus opportunities in the exciting field of computational biology.
BioEc112/c215 / MEc115/MEc216: Molecular Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of the Cell
This course develops and applies scaling laws and the methods of statistical and continuum mechanics to biomechanical phenomena over a range of length scales, from molecular to cellular levels. It is intended for senior undergraduate students and graduate students who have been exposed to differential equations, mechanics and certain aspects of modern biology.
ME 211: The Cell as a Machine
This course offers a modular and systems mechanobiology (or “machine”) perspective of the cell. Two vitally important components of the cell machinery will be studied in depth: (1) the integrin-mediated focal adhesions system that enables the cell to adhere to, and communicate mechano-chemical signals with, the extracellular environment, and (2) the nuclear pore complex, a multi-protein gateway for traffic in and out of the nucleus that regulates gene expression and affects protein synthesis. This course is intended for graduate students in Mechanical Engineering. No prior knowledge in Biology is assumed.
ME 120: Computational Biomechanics Across Multiple Scales
This course applies the methods of computational modeling and continuum mechanics to biomedical phenomena spanning various length scales ranging from molecular to cellular to tissue and organ levels. The course is intended for upper level undergraduate students who have been exposed to undergraduate continuum mechanics (statics and strength of materials).
BioE102: Biomechanics: Analysis and Design
This (junior level undergraduate) course develops and applies the methods of continuum mechanics to biomechanical phenomena over a range of length scales, from cell to tissue and organ levels. It is intended for junior undergraduate students in Bioengineering who have been exposed to undergraduate physics, linear algebra and differential equations. The course will equip the students with a deep understanding of principles of biomechanics. The intuitions gained in this course will guide the design of biomedical devices and help the understanding of biological/medical phenomena in health and disease.
BioE104: Biological Transport Phenomena
This course develops and applies scaling laws and the methods of continuum mechanics to biological transport phenomena over a range of length and time scales. It is intended for undergraduate students who have taken a course in differential equations, and an introductory course in physics. Preliminary understanding of biology and physiology is useful but not assumed. Example application areas include biomolecular transport in biological tissues, living organs, and in biomedical microdevices.